About Northeast & Western Energy Systems - Massachusetts - California
Northeast Energy Systems & Western Energy Systems - Power Systems Specialists

About Northeast-Western Energy Systems USA LLC;

Northeast-Western Energy Systems ("NES-WES") provides reliable, best in class electrical-thermal efficiencies, and low emission CHP and DG solutions from 300 kW through 10 MW.

NES-WES was acquired by INNIO Jenbacher in 2023, offering stronger value and resources to the power generation and microgrid industries in the United States. While having a dedicated focus on "gaseous fueled" power generation NES-WES’s capabilities extends far beyond simply providing gas engine-generator sets. We provide end users with fully integrated CHP and DG solutions including engine and exhaust heat recovery, fuel gas compressors, emissions, controls, switchgear, micro-grid systems, DC battery storage, mechanical and absorption chillers, bio-gas cleaning systems, cooling towers and components, and any other equipment, components and services required for fully operable and reliable CHP and DG solutions.

NES-WES CHP and DG systems operate behind the fence in grid parallel or island mode applications. We have successful experience with “black start” applications. We have provided solutions operating on natural gas, biogas, syngas, and automated dual fuel applications.

NES-WES provides qualified sales and business development, application engineers, integration engineering, field project management, and highly trained commissioning engineers and field service technicians.
